Selasa, 10 September 2013

CPNS Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat

announcement choice acceptance of civil service candidates ( cpns )
ministry of public housing ( kemenpera )
fy 2013 - 2014

vacancies cpns kemenpera - 

according in the letter of one's provision and utilization of state apparatus ministers bureaucratic reform th range 173. 2013 concerning the formation of civil servants housing ministry th. budget 2013, the ministry of housing opportunities open to actually indonesian nationals who punyai men and ladies of integrity and high principle for thus prospective civil servants fill the vacancy formation for public housing ministry th. 2013.

general conditions

  • indonesian citizen ;
  • the god who's most pious one ; integrity eminence upon the unitary state of indonesia ;
  • not located as candidates / public servants, candidate / member of one's military / police ;
  • not located as half the most political party or committee ;
  • not was 1st dismissed the petition itself didn't respect or no respect dng as civil servants / military / police or dismissed dng respect as private staff ;
  • was 1st sentenced to actually prison or jail by a court call ;
  • of excellent character ;
  • healthy physical and spiritual

different provisions :


please register on-line in the website by :

2013, Cpns, Depatemen, Job, Kementrian, Lowongan, Lowongan Cpns, Offering, Pegawai negeri, PNS,
Description: CPNS Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Mywateguhhidayat
ItemReviewed: CPNS Kementerian Perumahan Rakyat

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