Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

[Philippines] SEARCA Graduate Scholarships in Agriculture

SEARCA Graduate Scholarships in Agriculture

The Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) invites applications for its graduate scholarship (MS and PhD) in agriculture and related fields (including biological sciences, social sciences, economics and statistics, forestry and fisheries, environmental sciences, agro-industrial technology and engineering, biochemistry, and development management) for School Year 2012-2013. The scholarship is open to nationals of Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam who are regular employees of academic or research institutions or government agencies and not older than 35 years old.

Applications may be submitted directly to the Ministry of Education/Higher Education, or to the Ministry where the applicant is employed for preliminary screening. The Ministry where the applicant is employed may conduct preliminary screening of applicants and submit their nominations and the application documents to the Ministry of Education/Higher Education, which will then include the nominees of other Ministries in the final list of candidates accompanied by the complete set of requirements to SEARCA not later than 30 July 2011. Applicants should inquire with their respective Ministries regarding the Ministries` deadline for receiving SEARCA applications.

SEARCA scholars may study at any of the following members of the University Consortium coordinated by SEARCA: Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia; Kasetsart University, Thailand; Institut Pertanian Bogor and Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia; and University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines. Other reputable universities outside the University Consortium but within the Southeast Asian region may also serve as study posts of scholars under special arrangements and project agreements. Applicants may apply online via the SEARCA website, but original application documents must still be sent to their Ministry for official endorsement and submission to SEARCA. Applicants are required to submit to SEARCA applications for admission to the Graduate Schools of at least three universities in the list.

The application requirements and forms may study may be downloaded from the SEARCA website at

The topic of the research that the applicants plan to conduct for their thesis must be in line with either of the priority thrusts of SEARCA, namely: natural resource management and agricultural competitiveness.

Interested parties may contact the Graduate Scholarship Department of SEARCA via email at or

Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)
College, Los Baños, Laguna 4031, Philippines
Telefax: (63-49) 536-7164
Email: or
Description: [Philippines] SEARCA Graduate Scholarships in Agriculture
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Goehbola
ItemReviewed: [Philippines] SEARCA Graduate Scholarships in Agriculture

Beasiswa Chevening

Tenggat waktu program beasiswa Chevening untuk Indonesia dan Timor-Leste diperpanjang hingga 28 Februari 2011.

Akan tetapi, kami memutuskan untuk membuka penerimaan aplikasi kandidat dari Indonesia untuk Program Beasiswa Chevening 2011/2012 melalui situs: (aplikasi online)

Seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya, kami akan menawarkan beasiswa penuh untuk jenjang Pasca-Sarjana selama setahun di universitas-universitas dan institusi profesional lainnya di Inggris. Beasiswa ini juga akan meliputi biaya hidup, biaya kuliah, dan tiket pulang pergi.

Para kandidat harus memperhatikan bahwa Chevening 2011/2012 tampaknya akan sangat berhubungan dengan prioritas-prioritas FCO. Untuk mendapatkan informasi lebih lanjut mengenai prioritas FCO tersebut, bisa dilihat di:

Program beasiswa Chevening akan sangat kompetitif, dan hanya kandidat terbaik yang akan diwawancarai. Kami mengajak para kandidat dari Indonesia bagian Timur untuk ikut serta dalam program ini. Para kandidat harus memenuhi beberapa persyaratan dasar sebagai berikut:

  • Warga Negara Indonesia.
  • Lulusan dengan IPK minimum >=3.0.
  • Memiliki kemampuan berbicara dan menulis bahasa Inggris yang baik (IELTS 6.5).
  • Pengalaman bekerja setelah lulus sarjana (S1) minimal 2 tahun.
  • Komitmen untuk pengembangan karir jangka panjang.
  • Harus dapat menunjukkan potensi kepemimpinan dan memiliki kapasitas untuk memainkan peran penting dalam kemajuan masa depan Indonesia.
  • Dengan sangat menyesal, kami tidak dapat menerima aplikasi untuk para lulusan Pasca Sarjana (MBA).
  • Para penerima Chevening sebelumnya tidak diperkenankan untuk ikut mendaftar.
  • Karyawan, kerabat karyawan (atau mantan karyawan yang sudah tidak lagi bekerja selama dua tahun terakhir) dari Kantor Kementerian Luar Negeri (FCO), termasuk staf Kedutaan, dan pos-pos FCO, British Council, atau sponsor Chevening lainnya, tidak diperkenankan untuk ikut mendaftar.

Saat proses peninjauan Chevening sudah difinalisasi, informasi selanjutnya mengenai persyaratan kriteria dan informasi lainnya yang terkait dengan para aplikan akan diumumkan di halaman ini dan: serta halaman Facebook Chevening.

Apa itu Chevening?

Selama lebih dari 26 tahun, Program Beasiswa Chevening, telah memberikan lebih dari 30.000 beasiswa Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) di Inggris kepada para siswa pasca sarjana atau peneliti dari negara-negara di berbagai belahan dunia. Banyak lulusan-lulusan berbakat dan profesional muda Indonesia telah didukung melalui Program Chevening, dimana lebih dari 1.000 Beasiswa telah diberikan kepada masyarakat Indonesia sejak program ini dimulai pada tahun 1984.

Program ini sebagian besar didanai oleh Kantor Kementerian Luar Negeri (FCO), dan menerima kontribusi-kontribusi yang signifikan dari HEIs dan organisasi lainnya di Inggris, serta dari sponsor-sponsor lainnya di luar negeri termasuk pemerintahan dan sektor swasta, dimana FCO dan pos-pos nya di luar negeri telah memiliki kesepakatan kemitraan sebelumnya.
Description: Beasiswa Chevening
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Goehbola
ItemReviewed: Beasiswa Chevening

Pemerintah Korsel Tawarkan S-2/S-3

Ajou University, Korea Selatan, kembali memberikan beasiswa kepada pelajar/mahasiswa Indonesia untuk tahun akademik 2011/2012. Beasiswa tersebut digelontorkan oleh Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) bagi para pelajar asing, baik untuk program S-2 maupun S-3 melalui program Global Korea Scholarship atau GKS.

Bagi kandidat yang melamar melalui universitas akan ditunjuk sebanyak 5 orang penerima beasiswa, sedangkan yang melalui Kedutaan Besar Korea Selatan di Indonesia sebanyak 2 orang, serta melalui Pemerintah Korea (NEEID) sebanyak 2 kandidat. Adapun NIIED atau National Institute for International Education adalah lembaga resmi yang ditunjuk pemerintah untuk menyeleksi universitas-universitas yang bisa menerima beasiswa ini.

Skema beasiswa ini meliputi biaya kuliah, tunjangan hidup, biaya perjalanan pesawat kelas ekonomi, dan lain-lainnya. Adapun besarnya tunjangan bulanan yang diberikan senilai 900,000 won (KRW) per bulan. Sementara itu, tunjangan penelitian diberikan sebesar 210,000 won untuk bidang studi humaniora/ilmu sosial, serta 240,000 won untuk bidang studi sains.

Informasi lengkap mengenai persyaratan, skema beasiswa, serta jadwal pendaftaran bisa segera dilihat dan diunduh di

Description: Pemerintah Korsel Tawarkan S-2/S-3
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Goehbola
ItemReviewed: Pemerintah Korsel Tawarkan S-2/S-3

Beasiswa ke AS untuk SMA/D-III

Salah satu program beasiswa dalam Fulbright Scholarship yang ditawarkan kepada pelajar Indonesia adalah Community College Initiative Program (CCIP). Program beasiswa studi nirgelar ini diharapkan dapat dimanfaatkan para pelajar untuk mengembangkan profesionalitas mereka di tingkat community college di Amerika Serikat (AS).

Adapun bidang-bidang studi yang diprioritaskan menerima beasiswa ini adalah pertanian, teknik, bisnis dan administrasi, ilmu kesehatan (keperawatan), teknologi informasi, media, dan manajemen kepariwisataan.

Bagi yang berminat, pelamar disyaratkan memiliki ijazah lulusan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dan Diploma (D-1, D2 atau D3). Syarat lainnya, nilai ITP minimum 500 (IELTS 5.0) atau TOEIC 650.

Memang, lulusan sarjana (S-1) juga diperbolehkan mendaftar. Hanya saja, latar belakang pendidikannya harus berbeda dengan bidang yang akan diambil. Sementara mahasiswa atau lulusan program S-2 atau S-3 tidak dapat mengikuti program ini.

Informasi mengenai beasiswa ini bisa dilihat Batas waktu pengiriman aplikasinya masih panjang, yaitu sampai 1 November 2011
Description: Beasiswa ke AS untuk SMA/D-III
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Goehbola
ItemReviewed: Beasiswa ke AS untuk SMA/D-III

[USA] University of Chicago Robert L. Platzman Memorial Fellowship

University of Chicago Robert L. Platzman Memorial Fellowship

The University of Chicago Library invites applications for short-term research fellowships for use during 2012. Any visiting researcher residing more than 100 miles from Chicago, and whose project requires on-site consultation of University of Chicago Library collections, primarily archives, manuscripts or printed materials in the Special Collections Research Center, is eligible. Support for beginning scholars is a priority of the program. Applications in the fields of late nineteenth- or early twentieth-century physics or physical chemistry, or nineteenth-century classical opera, will receive special consideration. Previous University of Chicago Library research fellowships have been awarded for studies in fields including medieval culture, nineteenth-century American politics, law, theology, urban history, modern literature, and African American history.

Awards will be made based on an evaluation of the research proposal and the applicant`s ability to complete it successfully. Priority will be given to projects that cannot be conducted without on-site access to the original materials and where University of Chicago collections are central to the research. Up to $3,000 of support will be awarded to help cover projected travel, living and research expenses. Applications from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged.

The deadline for applications is February 14, 2011. Notice of awards will be made by April 15, 2011, for use between January 1 and December 30, 2012.

Applicants must submit the following information in one electronic file:
  • A cover letter (not to exceed one page) including the project title, a brief summary. estimated dates of on-site research; and a budget for travel, living, and research expenses during the period of on-site research
  • A research proposal not to exceed three double-spaced pages. Applicants should address specifically the relationship between their proposed project and the primary sources to be consulted in the Special Collections Research Center
  • A curriculum vitae of no longer than two pages
  • Two letters of support from academic or other scholars. References may be sent with the application or separately.
Submit application to:


Robert L. Platzman Memorial Fellowships
Special Collections Research Center
The University of Chicago Library
1100 E. 57th Street
Chicago, IL 60637

For additional information contact
Description: [USA] University of Chicago Robert L. Platzman Memorial Fellowship
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Goehbola
ItemReviewed: [USA] University of Chicago Robert L. Platzman Memorial Fellowship

[Singapore] Nanyang President`s Graduate Scholarships at Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

Nanyang President`s Graduate Scholarships at Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is a research-intensive university with globally acknowledged strengths in science and engineering. Through its four colleges with 12 schools, and two autonomous entities, the National Institute of Education and S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, NTU provides high quality global education to more than 23,000 undergraduates and 10,000 graduate students. The student body includes top scholars and international Olympiad medallists from the region and beyond. Hailing from 67 countries, the university`s 3,000 strong teaching and research staff bring dynamic international perspectives and years of solid industry experience.

The Nanyang President`s Graduate Scholarship (NPGS) is a competitive and prestigious scholarship scheme designed to encourage outstanding graduates or final-year students to take their first step towards a leading research career by studying for a doctoral degree programme (PhD) at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU), one of Asia`s leading research universities. Funding will be provided for up to 4 years for NPGS awardees.

Number of awards available
Up to 30 NPGS awards will be made available in each Academic Year. Successful candidates will be known as Nanyang President`s Graduate Scholars.

Minimum qualifications
To qualify for a NPGS award, you must have a First Class Honours degree or equivalent at Bachelor`s level and applicants should also demonstrate excellent research abilities. The PhD research will be in any topic agreed between you and your chosen NTU supervisor within the research activities of NTU. At the time of application, if you have not yet completed your undergraduate degree programme, you will need to furnish documentation from your university that you are on track to get a First Class Honours degree or equivalent. Failure to do so will disqualify you from the NPGS award, in which case you may be considered for other NTU PhD research scholarships, subject to meeting the selection criteria.

For other requirements on Test scores, please visit:

During the first year, you will be expected to take relevant courses and to work towards passing the qualifying examination. In the event that this qualification is not met, there will be no conversion to a Masters degree for the NPGS awardees.

Stipend and allowances

The NPGS award terms are:
  1. Monthly stipend of S$3200
  2. Full support of tuition fees
  3. Conference allowance for two major overseas conferences in the 4-year period
  4. One-time IT allowance of S$1500
  5. Annual grant of S$500 for journal subscription or book purchase
  6. Thesis preparation allowance
  7. Priority for subsidised campus accommodation
Upon passing the qualifying examination, NPGS awardees will be expected to undertake some undergraduate teaching (up to a limit of 10 hours per week). Awardees will be reimbursed if their teaching hours exceed what is required by the framework of their PhD training. Undergraduate teaching contributions will demand a high level of English language proficiency and you may be required to undertake English language courses as necessary in your first year.

There is no restriction as to the nationality of candidates but, all things being equal preference will be given to Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents.

Please refer to our admissions website for the respective school`s intakes.

To apply:$

Contact Us
For enquiries, please reach us at:
Graduate Studies Office
Nanyang Technological University
Student Services Centre (formerly known as Admin Annexe), Level 3
42 Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639815

Tel : 67904079
Fax : 67931140
Description: [Singapore] Nanyang President`s Graduate Scholarships at Nanyang Technological University (NTU)
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Goehbola
ItemReviewed: [Singapore] Nanyang President`s Graduate Scholarships at Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

[Singapore] A*STAR PGS Pre-Graduate Scholarship at National University of Singapore (NUS)

[Singapore] A*STAR PGS Pre-Graduate Scholarship at National University of Singapore (NUS)

college scholarships

A*STAR PGS Pre-Graduate Scholarship at National University of Singapore (NUS)

The A*STAR PGS provides a headstart for bright young undergraduates keen to pursue their PhD studies and embark on a research career. Awardees from National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang Technological University (NTU) can look forward to research attachments at A*STAR`s Research Institutes with state-of-the-art facilities and be part of A*STAR`s community of diverse and renowned scientists and researchers.

For more details on the PGS , please go to

  • Top undergraduates in Year from Biomedical, Physical Science and Engineering at NUS or NTU
  • Open to Singaporeans, Singaporean Permanent Residents and ASEAN Nationals
  • Candidates must be on track to attain at least a good 2nd Upper Class Honours or equivalent
  • Candidates must not concurrently hold any other scholarships or awards
Award Detail*

Successful candidates will be provided with financial support for the duration of their undergraduate studies:
  • Tuition fees subsidy
  • Monthly sustenance allowance (depending on year of study)
  • Research attachment opportunities at A*STAR Research Institutes
  • One overseas exchange programme throughout the entire PGS programme. Funding include one economy return airfare and monthly sustenance allowance up to 6 months. Awardees will have to gain admission into the exchange programme through their respective universities based on their own merit. Candidates awarded in Years 2 or 3 must maintain good academic standing for the award to be renewed the following year.
*All rates/allowances are subject to A*STAR adjustments from time to time.

Continuing with PhD Studies

Upon completion of their undergraduate studies, candidates are required to embark on a PhD programme within 6 months. Candidates can apply to A*STAR scholarship in the final year of studiess at NUS or NTU.

Application Procedure
Applications are opened throughtout the year. Interested applicants may apply through their universities:

National University of Singapore
NUS Graduate School for Integrative Sciences & Engineering (NGS)
Centre for Life Sciences (CeLS), #05-01
28 Medical Drive
Singapore 117456

Nanyang Technological University
Graduate Studies Office
Student Services Centre (formerly known as Admin Annexe), Level 3
42 Nanyang Avenue
Singapore 639815

Description: [Singapore] A*STAR PGS Pre-Graduate Scholarship at National University of Singapore (NUS)
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Goehbola
ItemReviewed: [Singapore] A*STAR PGS Pre-Graduate Scholarship at National University of Singapore (NUS)

Tips Mendapatkan Beasiswa

Ada beberapa hal yang harus dipersiapkan terlebih dahulu sebelum memulai mengapply beasiswa .
Dibawah ini adalah tips yang dapat anda lakukan untuk mempersiapkan diri mendapatkan beasiswa:

1. English Language Proficiency certificate
Sertifikat seperti TOEFL, TOIC, ELTS merupakan syarat mutlak yang meski dipunyai para pencari beasiswa. Oleh karena itu mulailah dari sekarang mempersiapkan mengikuti test salah satu nya.

2. Pengalaman Kerja
Untuk yang ingin mencari beasiswa S2 atau lebih, pengalaman kerja merupakan nilai lebih yang dapat dijadikan acuan untuk mengajukan beasiswa.

3. Semangat.
Berburu beasiswa bukanlah segampang kita membalikkan telapak tangan dan tidak juga seberat kita mengangkat gunung di bumi ini, asal kita semanagt pasti kita bisa meraihnya.
Description: Tips Mendapatkan Beasiswa
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Goehbola
ItemReviewed: Tips Mendapatkan Beasiswa

[Chinese] Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduate Study Program

Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduate Study Program (CGS-UPSP) is established by the Ministry of Education of China (hereinafter referred to as MOE) aiming to offer support in developing international high level universities and promote Chinese higher education brand. Entrusted by MOE, Zhejiang University recruits CGS-UPSP-supported international graduate students supported by CGS-UPSP across the world.

Basic Information and Duration of the Scholarships
  1. Number of scholarship students to be admitted: 30
  2. Coverage of the scholarship:
  3. Tuition and fees for registration, laboratory experiments, internship, basic learning materials, and intramural accommodation;
  4. Living allowance: CNY 2,000 per month for doctoral students; CNY 1,700 per month for master`s degree students;
  5. Fees for outpatient medical services and Comprehensive Medical Insurance and Benefit Plan for International Students in China;
  6. A one-off settlement subsidy for new students after registration: CNY 1,500 per person.
  7. Note: For more detailed information, please visit the website of China Scholarship Council:

  8. Categories of Applicants and Duration of the Scholarship Categories of Applicants Duration of the Scholarship
Master`s Degree Students: 2-3 academic years

Doctor`s Degree Students: 3-4 academic years

Note: In principle, courses will be taught in Chinese. Scholarship students without sufficient Chinese language proficiency are required to take one-year remedial Chinese language courses and pass the relevant test prior to the studies in their specialties. For those who take the one-year remedial Chinese language courses, the duration of the scholarship will be extended correspondingly.

When and how to apply
Application deadline: April 10, 2011

Applicants can submit the application materials (refer section V below ) to Admission Office of the International College, Zhejiang University, by post mail or in personally.The application materials submit by email will not be accepted. Please make sure mailed materials arrive before the deadline.

Eligibility Requirements
  1. Applicants must be non-Chinese nationals and in good health.
  2. Applicants are not currently studying in Chinese universities.
  3. Education background and age limit:
  4. Applicants for master`s degree studies must have bachelor`s degree and be under the age of 35;
  5. Applicants for Doctoral studies must have master`s degree and be under the age of 40.
  6. Applicants should have a competitive academic record.
  7. Applicants should have strong scientific research ability.
Choices of Specialties
Zhejiang University offers graduate programs with Chinese or English as media of instruction. For more information of fields of Graduate Studies at Zhejiang University,please check Catalog of Master`s Programs for International Students 2011 (Download) and Catalog of Doctoral Programs for International Students 2011 (Download).

Applicants are encouraged to contact their prospective supervisors prior to application and are expected to enclose in their application package with the Form for Provisional Acceptance of International Student by ZJU Professor (Download)).

Application Materials
Applicants must provide the following materials (in duplicate):
  1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship, filled in Chinese or in English. Applicants shall fill in and submit the application form online first and then print and sign the Application Form produced by the system. The CSC Online Application System for Study in China is available on; Agency No. of Zhejiang University is 10335.
  2. Photocopy of the applicant`s passport.
  3. Highest diploma (notarized photocopy). If applicants are university students or already employed, they must also provide documents showing their status as university students or on-post employees. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.
  4. Applicants for doctoral studies need to provide notarized copies of their undergraduate and graduate transcripts. Applicants for master`s degree studies need to provide notarized copies of their undergraduate transcripts. Transcripts in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English.
  5. A study or research proposal in Chinese or in English (no less than 800 words).
  6. Two letters of recommendation from full professors or associate professors. The recommendation letter must be original documents either in Chinese or English and show referee`s phone number and email address.
  7. Published academic papers or other academic achievements (if applicable).
  8. Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (Download) (printed by Chinese quarantine authority. Applicants are expected to keep the original copies) filled in English. The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Medical examination results will be valid for 6 months. All applicants are kindly requested to take this factor into consideration as they plan to take the medical examination.
Note: Application materials will NOT be returned regardless of the result of application. Admission and Notification
  1. Zhejiang University will review all the application materials. Decisions for admission and for granting the scholarships will be made on the basis of the applicants` competitiveness, academic record and otherwise.
  2. The name list of the scholarship awardees for graduate programs will be sent to China Scholarship Council for review in April, 2011.
  3. After the name list is reviewed and approved by China Scholarship Council, the scholarship awardees will be notified by the university in June 2011 and Admission Notice with other relevant documents will be sent to them in July 2011.
  1. Scholarship students` affairs are managed according to the relevant regulations of Chinese Government Scholarship. Scholarship students must go through the Annual Review of the Chinese Government Scholarship Status.
  2. Scholarship students are not allowed to change their institutions as well as their academic programs or the duration of study specified in the Admission Notice.
  3. Scholarship students who have to suspend their studies due to illness must return to their home country for further treatment and recovery. Expenses for the international travel to and from the university will be borne by the students themselves, and their scholarship status will be reserved for one year at most, with the monthly living allowance stopped during the suspension. Scholarships of the students who suspend their studies for reasons other than illness will not be reserved.
  4. The International College of Zhejiang University is responsible for the interpretation of the scholarship granting procedures and regulations.
Contact Information
Admission Office,International College, Zhejiang University:
Tel: +86 571 87953101 / 879532848
Fax: +86 571 87951755
Postal Address:
P.O. Box W-99, International College, Yuquan Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, Zhejiang Province, China
Description: [Chinese] Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduate Study Program
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Goehbola
ItemReviewed: [Chinese] Chinese Government Scholarship-University Postgraduate Study Program

[Japan] AUN/SEED-Net Short-term Study Program in Japan

AUN/SEED-Net Short-term Study Program in Japan

It is essential for AUN/SEED-Net students to conduct high quality doctoral thesis research of international standard and to complete doctoral degrees within three years. The AUN/SEED-Net Project thus provides thesis research assistance for AUN/SEED-Net students through the joint thesis research supervision from Japanese Supporting Universities. To facilitate this assistance, Collaborative Research Program has been introduced, in which each Host Institution, in consultation with Japanese Supporting Universities identifies a few well-defined and focused Collaborative Research Themes (or research umbrellas), each of which is a sub-area of research defined by several key words leading to a number of interrelated and progressively conducted possible thesis research topics. Then some of those research themes/topics will be carried out by AUN/SEED-Net students under joint supervision of Host Institutions and Japanese Supporting Universities, while other research topics are encouraged to be carried out by graduate students of Member Institutions as well.

The Short-Term Study Program in Japan aims to provide such support for students in the Doctoral Degree Sandwich Program. During three years of scholarship period, students can visit their Japanese co-advisors once or twice, for a total duration of eight months to receive thesis research supervision.

  1. To carry out joint thesis research supervision by Japanese co-advisors in Japan.
  2. To ensure high quality of doctoral theses (which will lead to a good number of publications in reputable international refereed journals) and to ensure the completion of the degree within three years.
  3. To enhance the research collaboration between Host Institutions and Japanese Supporting Universities
Eligible Applicants
Doctoral Degree Sandwich students of AUN/SEED-Net who are in good health both physically and mentally

Period of study in Japan
For Doctoral Degree Sandwich Students who enrolled in and after JFY2008 (or from April 2008 onwards)
  1. During three (3) years of scholarship period, students are eligible to make Short-term Study in Japan once or twice, for a total duration of eight (8) months.
  2. In case students choose to make Short-term Study in Japan twice, it is required that one of the two times must be less than one (1) month.
  3. The number of study and duration of each time will be specified upon commencement of doctoral study based on the consultation between advisors at Host Institutions and Coadvisors at Japanese Supporting Universities.
  4. The departure date to Japan for a study less than one (1) month should be within the period between April 20, 2011 and January 15, 2012, while the departure date to Japan for a study from one (1) month to eight (8) months should be within the period between July 1, 2011 and March 31, 2012.
Submission Deadline of the Application Forms
Application Form for Short-term Study Program in Japan, with a covering letter signed by Head of Department, or Dean, or the Representative of the respective Host Institution, in either hard or soft copy (PDF or JPEG format), should be submitted to the Secretariat according to the deadlines scheduled as follows:
  • All short trips must be completed not later than 15 February 2012.
  • Students are eligible for one or two study trips with total period in Japan shorter than 8 months

AUN/SEED-Net Project
(Short-term Study Program in Japan)
Faculty of Engineering Bld 2,
Chulalongkorn University
Bangkok 10330, THAILAND
Tel: (66 2) 2186419, 2186420
Description: [Japan] AUN/SEED-Net Short-term Study Program in Japan
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Goehbola
ItemReviewed: [Japan] AUN/SEED-Net Short-term Study Program in Japan

[Europe] Master Scholarship in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis

Master Scholarship in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis

The European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis aims at providing a high quality education in designing and assessing public policies targeted to the agricultural and food sector as well as the rural environment. This European Master responds to the increasing need to better understand and anticipate the various and often complex socio-economic and environmental effects of these policies either in a functioning market economy as in the European Uni0n or in economies in a development or transition phase. The European Master offers a two-year academic curriculum with integrated and advanced theoretical, methodological and empirical courses in economics and quantitative methods as well as in agricultural, food and environmental sciences, agricultural and trade policy, environmental and natural resource policy, rural development policy and agribusiness management and market analysis. To connect theory and methodology to practice, a problem solving project is developed and presented as a master thesis at the end of the two-year curriculum.

Partner universities
The European Master is jointly organised by five leading European educational and research institutions:
  • Corvinius University of Budapest (CUB) in Hungary
  • Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Sweden
  • Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität Bonn (UBonn) in Germany
  • Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) in Belgium
  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Spain
These five partner universities are recognised worldwide for the quality of their educational programme and scientific achievements in agricultural, environmental and economic sciences. After successful completion of the AFEPA academic programme, AFEPA graduates receive a joint diploma entitled European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis and the official Master degrees from the two Consortium universities where they have attended.

Admission criteria

To be admitted to the European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis candidates need to have a Bachelor degree or an equivalent academic degree of minimum three years of undergraduate study corresponding to 180 ECTS. Students in their final year of their Bachelor degree may be admitted in the Master programme on the condition that their Bachelor degree is awarded before they enrol the programme. All candidates also need to have followed courses in mathematics, statistics and economics as well as agricultural, food and environmental sciences at least at an introductory level. Candidates must agree to complete the academic curriculum in two consecutive academic years and to the terms in the study contract as specified by the AFEPA consortium.

Candidates from English speaking countries must provide an official letter from their university from which they graduated attesting that English is the media of instruction. All other candidates need to provide evidence that they master English at a level corresponding to a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper version), 213 (computer version) or 79 (internet version) or a minimum overall band IELTS score of 6 or with a signal deemed equivalent by the AFEPA consortium. Candidates who choose to study at UCL and UPC also need to prove that their command of French and Spanish, respectively, is sufficient for them to participate in courses at these two institutions. If French and Spanish are neither their mother tongue nor the language of their past study, it is advised that these candidates obtain the B1 threshold level of the Common European Framework of Reference, i.e., they can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. For French, it corresponds to the DELF B level and for Spanish to the DELE “intermedio” level.

Candidates can apply for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship except those who have already benfited from an Erasmus Mundus Master Course scholarship or are benefiting from another European Community grant while pursuing their Erasmus Mundus master studies.

Student scholarships

Erasmus Mundus scholarships for non-European students (Category A)

The Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Uni0n awards a limited number of individual scholarships to non-European applicants to the European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis. When non-European candidates apply for admission to the AFEPA European Master, they can also apply for this scholarship programme using the same application form. If non-European candidates applying for this scholarship programme are admitted to the AFEPA European Master but are not offered an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, then admitted candidates cover the tuition fees and all other expenses with funding from an alternative scholarship programme or private sources.

For a non-European applicant, the scholarship amounts to:
  • a total contribution to travel, installation and any other type of costs € 8,000
  • a contribution to cover the tuiton fees of the European Master € 3,000 per semester
  • a monthly allowance € 1,000 per month
Following the 2009-13 Erasmus Mundus programme guide, without prejudice to high academic standards, no more than two of the applicants selected for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship should have the same nationality to ensure geographical diversity scholarship holders.

Erasmus Mundus scholarships for European students (Category B)

The Erasmus Mundus programme of the European Uni0n awards a limited number of individual sholarships to European applicants to the European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis. When European candidates apply for admission to the AFEPA European Master, they can also apply for this scholarship programme using the same application form. If European candidates applying for this scholarship programme are admitted to the AFEPA European Master but are not offered an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, then admitted candidates cover the tuition fees and all other expenses with funding from an alternative scholarship programme or private sources.

For a European applicant, the scholarship amounts to:
  • a contribution to the tuiton fees of the European Master € 1,500 per semester
  • a monthly allowance € 500 per month
Selection process

The selection for admission to the European Master in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis and for scholarships of the Erasmus Mundus Programme is based on academic merit, language skills, professional and volunteer experience, expression of motivation, recommendations, and other credentials (reputation of the school of origin, the referees, etc.) to guarantee the selection of high-quality students. Country of origin and gender are additional criteria that could be used to orient the recruitment towards diversity in geographical cover and balance in gender representation.

Application and downloadable forms
Below you find two forms that you need in order to apply for the AFEPA programme.
  1. The application form: The application form is located under the following link. Please fill out the application form completely and once you are sure that you do not want to do any additional changes, lock the form (using the appropriate function) and print it out as a pdf file.
    Application form (which you have to fill out online after registering. For that click on the "sign up" link and follow instructions)
  2. The reference form: Two academic referees or your choice have to fill out a reference form in English, sign it, and save it under the file name `RF_CandidateLastName_RefereeLastName.doc` or `RF_CandidateLastName_RefereeLastName.pdf`. They then have to send it as a scanned version to, send it by regular mail to the address provided below, or hand it back to you in a sealed envelope for inclusion in your application package. The AFEPA-preformatted version of the form is located under the following link:

    Reference form
The address of the central AFEPA coordination office is the following:
AFEPA European Master Programme
Unité d`économie rurale
Université catholique de Louvain
Place de la Croix du Sud, 2/15
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium
Application deadlines for admission and Erasmus Mundus scholarships: January 10th 2011.

Contact detail

Henrich BRUNKE
Place de la Croix du Sud 2/15
1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE - Belgium
Description: [Europe] Master Scholarship in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Goehbola
ItemReviewed: [Europe] Master Scholarship in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Analysis

[Korea] Samsung Electronics Scholarship for MS Degree in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering

Samsung Electronics Scholarship for MS Degree in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering

Samsung Electronics announces the launching of the Global Scholarship Program at the Seoul National University (GSP-SNU Program) for receiving the Master of Sciences Degree. This program is oriented toward brilliant students majoring in computer science, engineering, physics, and mathematics.

The GSP-SNU Program is meant for students willing to receive the Master of Sciences Degree in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering. The education is conducted for 2 years at The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Seoul National University.

The Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering has six departments:

* Information, Telecommunication, and Radio Science
* Control, Instrumentation, and Automation
* Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits
* Computer and Very Large Scale Integration Systems
* Electrophysics and Lasers
* Electric Energy Systems

Samsung Electronics covers all educational expenses including the tuition, admission, and registration fees for the student. Furthermore, the student receives a money allowance (approximately USD 1,000 per month). After completing the M.Sc. course and receiving the M.Sc. degree, the student is provided with a unique opportunity to work at Samsung Electronics in South Korea for 2 years. After finishing the two-year work, the applicant can extend the contract with Samsung Electronics under mutual agreement. By virtue of the GSP-SNU Program, Samsung Electronics is planning to develop successful candidates into its core members.

General Requirements

* B.Sc. or M.Sc. Degree
* Major in Engineering, Computer Science, Physics, or Mathematics
* Grade Point Average (GPA) more than 4.8
* Excellent Knowledge of English
* Possibility to present 2 references


* Samsung Pays for Admission and Tuition
* Samsung Grants Money Allowance (USD 1,000 per month)
* Samsung Provides Dormitory for Living
* Samsung Annually Pays for Airfare (Moscow-Seoul, Seoul-Moscow [once a year])
* Samsung Internship is Available after Passing 75% of the Studies
* Samsung Offers a Position in South Korea after Graduation for 2 Years
* Samsung Offers a Position in Moscow after Work in Korea

Admission Requirements
In order to apply for the Samsung-Sponsored Scholarship Master of Science (MS) Program in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (GSP-SNU) 2011, applicants must send us their complete CV / resume (GSPCurriculumVitae.doc) in English by email (with the subject line: "MS-Program-2011").

After successfully passing the preliminary CV / resume screen, the applicants will be invited to the Samsung Electronics Moscow and St. Petersburg Offices in February ~ March 2011. During the Career Forum, the applicants will learn more about Samsung Electronics, GSP-SNU (MSU Program), Korean Lifestyle, and Real Experiences from Graduates of Samsung-Sponsored Educational Programs. After that, the applicants will be invited to personal HR interviews with Samsung Electronics experts.

The complete application process and full list of application documents are described below.


1. CV / Resume in English

Applicants must submit their complete CVs / resumes in English with the description of their personal data (such as the name, date of birth, place of residence, marital status, contact points), educational background (such as the name of the university, faculty, department, period of studies, GPA), professional experience, and list of awards (if applicable). The CV / resume file should come named as as the applicant`s Name_Surname.doc.

2. Academic Degree (in year 2011 [higher priority] or 2010)

Applicants must have a bachelor degree (such as BS) or a higher degree (such as Specialist, MS, or PHD) from a recognized institution. Applicants must send us the scanned copies of their diploma(s) together with the lists of marks. These documents can be submitted either in Russian or in English (otherwise, translated copies are needed). The files should come named as follows:
* Name_Surname_BS_Diploma.jpg,
* Name_Surname_BS_Marks.jpg,
* Name_Surname_MS_Diploma.jpg,
* Name_Surname_MS_Marks.jpg,
* Name_Surname_Specialist_Diploma.jpg,
* etc.
If the applicant is graduating from his / her university in year 2010 and has no diploma at the moment, he or she can also apply for the MS Program before graduation. In this case, the applicant must receive an Academic Reference from the university and Grade Extract from the Examination Book. After receiving his / her diploma in year 2011, the applicant will have to submit it to us.
3. Letters of Recommendation

Applicants must submit two letters of recommendation from current or recent supervisors who can attest to the applicant`s scientific abilities and academic potential. The letters should come as two scanned files named as:
* Name_Surname_Recommendation_01.jpg and
* Name_Surname_Recommendation_02.jpg.
4. Electronic Photo of You

Applicants must also send us their electronic photo. The file should be namded as Name_Surname_Photo.jpg.

Please, send the application to e-mail with "MSc-Program-2011" note in the subject field of your e-mail.

Application deadline is February 2011.

For more information, please, call us at the phone number: +7 (495) 797 24 00 +7 (495) 797 42 00
Description: [Korea] Samsung Electronics Scholarship for MS Degree in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Goehbola
ItemReviewed: [Korea] Samsung Electronics Scholarship for MS Degree in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering

[Germany] Open 35 researchers at Fraunhofer Institute for SIT

Open 35 researchers at Fraunhofer Institute for SIT


The Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT) is one of the leading German and European R&D organizations in the area of IT security. Our focus is on applied research and development, targeted at innovative solutions of real-world security and privacy problems. We work closely with clients from all industry sectors as well as with partners from industry, governments and academia.

Because of the criticality of security and privacy for society and economy the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft decided to massively expand SIT Darmstadt (including offices in Birlinghoven/St. Augustin). This plan is supported through a close cooperation between SIT and the Technische Universität Darmstadt, in particular with the chairs of Prof. Dr. Michael Waidner (also Director of SIT Darmstadt) and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ahmad-Reza Sadeghi (also Director Science for SIT Darmstadt). SIT is also a key member of CASED, the Center for Advanced Security Research Darmstadt (, which is a research center supported by the German State of Hesse, and jointly staffed by SIT in Darmstadt, the Darmstadt University of Technology, and the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.

Our intention is to form new research teams, focused on important new topics such as secure cloud computing, secure engineering, system security and privacy. To strengthen the existing topics in Darmstadt, and to lead and staff these new topics, we are seeking 35 researchers, including top scientists interested in research leadership positions.

The new positions shall support primarily these topics:
  • Security and cloud computing
  • Secure engineering, development of secure software, security analysis
  • Security for embedded and mobile systems, trusted computing, secure operating systems for mobile systems
  • Security of cyber-physical systems, critical infrastructures
  • Identity management and privacy-enhancing technologies
  • Computer forensics
  • Risk and compliance management
  • You will be responsible for planning, leading, executing and representing applied R&D projects, jointly with clients and partners from industry, government agencies and academia.
  • Qualified employees are encouraged to work on personal PhD projects.
Your profile:
  • Excellent academic (Master, PhD, or equivalent) degree in computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, or related science
  • Proven knowledge in IT security, in particular in at least one of the topics listed above
  • Interested in challenging, practically-motivated research problems, self-motivated, capable of defining and representing R&D projects, and capable of doing conceptual as well as implementation work, in an efficient and self-organized manner
  • You like working in teams, with team members from different organizations and countries, and you enjoy working with people with different cultural and professional backgrounds
  • Fluent in English, and fluent in German or prepared to learn it
All positions are initially limited to 3 years, but may be extended. We support part time employment. Compensation follows the Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst (TVöD), corresponding to the candidate`s qualifications and responsibilities.

Fraunhofer SIT is an equal employment opportunity player.

Fragen zu dieser Position beantwortet gerne /For additional questions regarding these open positions please contact:

Prof. Dr. Michael Waidner

Please send your application with reference to Code Nr.: SIT-2011-3 to

Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft e.V.
64295 Darmstadt
Informationen über das Institut finden Sie im Internet unter:

Ich bin interessiert und möchte mich bewerben
Kennziffer: SIT-2011-3
Ausgabedatum: 13.01.2011
Description: [Germany] Open 35 researchers at Fraunhofer Institute for SIT
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Goehbola
ItemReviewed: [Germany] Open 35 researchers at Fraunhofer Institute for SIT

[Japan] Ajinomoto Scholarships in University of Tokyo for ASEAN citizens

Ajinomoto Scholarships in University of Tokyo for ASEAN citizens


Ajinomoto Scholarship for ASEAN International Students 2012

Application Guidelines
  1. Aims
    This program enables students from five ASEAN countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam) wishing to enroll in a master`s course (major in one of the sciences) at the University of Tokyo, to secure scholarships before their arrival in Japan. It aims to cultivate individuals capable of leading Asia in the twenty-first century and to contribute to the development of Asia and the world as well as to mutual understanding between these countries and Japan.

  • Eligibility
    Applicants who wish to enroll in a master`s course and major in one of the sciences (except medicine and veterinary medicine) at the University of Tokyo and who fulfill the following requirements and qualifications.
    1. Applicants must be citizens of Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, or Vietnam.
    2. Applicants must have graduated or be expected to graduate with an excellent academic record (with 16 years of education completed or expected to be completed) and must receive the recommendation of their university president or academic advisor or be otherwise qualified to enroll in the University of Tokyo.
    3. Applicants must be under the age of 35 on April 1, 2012.
    4. In principle, the applicant must be able to obtain approval of acceptance as a Postgraduate International Research Student (hereinafter "Research Student"), from the University of Tokyo and be registered as a Research Student for April 2012 or October 2012. However, the applicant may enroll directly as a master`s course student of some graduate schools in the University of Tokyo. In that case, the applicant must be able to obtain approval of enrollment from the University of Tokyo and be registered as a master`s course student for Apr 2012 or Oct 2012.
    5. Applicants must acquire adequate Japanese language proficiency that is required in order to research and study in a master`s course, when enrolling as a master`s course student of the University of Tokyo.
    6. Applicants must apply from the above 5 countries and be able to attend selection procedures when necessary.
    7. Applicants must be in good physical and mental health and have a strong motivation for learning.
    8. Applicants must not be receiving other scholarships.
    9. Scholarship Amounts
      • Research Student at graduate school: ¥150,000/month (for max. 1 year)
      • Master`s course at graduate school: ¥180,000/month (for max. 2 years)
      • Examination, Admission and Tuition fees: covered in full
      • Airfare (to and from Japan): covered up approximately to ¥200,000 (equivalent amount for economy class ticket. Actual amount in principle)
    10. Number of students to be accepted

    11. 1 student from each of 5 countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam)
    12. Period of Scholarships

    13. Scholarships will be provided for max. 3 years, 1 year studying as a Research Student and max. 2 years studying in a master`s course. The scholarship will be suspended if the scholarship recipient fails to pass the entrance exam for a master`s course within a year after arriving to Japan if the recipient enters as a Research Student.
      If the recipient enters as a master`s course student, scholarships will be provided for max. 2 years.
    14. Application details of each graduate school of the University of Tokyo
    15. Applicants can enroll as Research Students or master`s course students in one of the sciences (except medicine and veterinary medicine) of the graduate schools in the University of Tokyo. Refer appendix 1 for details.
    Application Deadline : March 31, 2011

    Application Documents
    1. Application form (Form 1) and study program (assigned form)
    2. Transcript of scholastic record issued by the university or graduate school attended (no photocopies, written in Japanese or English)
    3. A letter of recommendation from university president or academic advisor (assigned form. Additional recommendation letter would be accepted)
    4. Additional documents (Optional)
    5. A copy of documents proving Japanese Proficiency of the applicant, such as JPLT result, certificate of attendance to Japanese higher education facilities and Japanese Training institutions may be considered.
    6. The documents submitted shall not be returned under any circumstances.
    Selection Process
    1. 1st Screening
    2. The screening will be based on the received documents, such as research activities and study plans, university transcript and the letter of recommendation.
    3. 2nd screening
    4. The screening for the successful applicants will be based on the following documents.
      1. Necessary document required by the Graduate School that the applicant wishing to enroll.-TOEFL Score, etc. (Refer appendix 2)
      2. Certificate of Graduation (or Graduation Letter) or Student Registration Certificate
      3. Note: An interview will be held for 2nd selection (in English or in Japanese)
        Note: An interview will be held for 2nd selection (in English or in Japanese)
      4. Suspension or Termination of Scholarship
      5. The scholarship will be suspended or terminated, if any one of the following conditions applies to the scholarship recipient: According to the circumstances, the scholarship amount already disbursed may be subject to repayment in full or in part:
      6. False information found in the application form.
      7. Receives any other scholarship.
      8. Fails to pass the entrance examination to a University of Tokyo master`s course within one year after arriving to Japan (recipient who enters as a Research Student).
      9. Fails to arrive in Japan by the appointed date.
      10. Shows poor academic performance due to absence, lack of desire to study or being unable to keep up research for some reason.
      11. Has difficulty continuing to study due to illness or other health problems.
      12. Violates the rules and regulations of the University of Tokyo or the Ajinomoto Scholarship Foundation.

      Selection and Notification
      • 1st Screening Late March - April, 2012
      • 2nd Screening May - July, 2012
      Notification of the results July, 2012

      The nominated applicants who had passed the 2nd Screening must compile all the necessary documents for applying to University of Tokyo, assigned by each graduate school (refer appendix 2 "Documents for 2nd Screening and Required documents for applying as a Postgraduate International Research Student to the University of Tokyo". The accomplished documents are reviewed by faculty council. For the applicants who are requested to enroll in April, the letter of acceptance will be issued in Jan, 2012. They should take all the adequate process, such as visa, for entering to Japan and will enroll in April.

      In addition, the nominated applicants requested to enroll in October should pay attention to the applying period and the date of issuance of the letter of acceptance, because they differ. Please contact with the graduate school you wish enroll for details.
    Description: [Japan] Ajinomoto Scholarships in University of Tokyo for ASEAN citizens
    Rating: 4.5
    Reviewer: Goehbola
    ItemReviewed: [Japan] Ajinomoto Scholarships in University of Tokyo for ASEAN citizens

    [Asia] Asian Development Bank (ADB) Internship Programme 2011

    ADB`s vision is an Asia and Pacific region free of poverty. ADB welcomes motivated, open-minded and self-directed individuals to apply for internship assignments requiring further research and assistance, identified by Regional and Knowledge Departments in ADB. The Internship Program is a project-oriented learning opportunity for graduate candidates which offer widely-varied assignments year to year depending on business needs.

    The program offers eligible candidates of member countries the opportunity to:
    • work in a major international development organization;
    • work collaboratively with experienced professionals from over 50 different countries;
    • gain a deeper understanding of development finance and the impact of the work ADB does; and
    • contribute to ADB`s business through research outputs.

    Internship candidates must:
    • be enrolled in a Master`s- or PhD-level program at a school in one of the ADB member countries, both prior to and after the internship assignment;
    • be engaged in academic study in a field directly related to ADB`s work;
    • be a national of one of ADB`s member countries;
    • possess an excellent command of English; and
    • have relevant professional experience.
    *** ADB does not accept applications from close relatives of ADB personnel. The ADB internship application process goes ONLINE for the 2011 Internship intake. We will now receive candidate applications directly. School registration and nomination is no longer required.

    You have two opportunities to apply for the ADB Internship Program in 2011:
    • January-February 2011
    • March-April 2011
    Internship opportunities are now posted for application, candidates may register and apply at ADB Recruitment Center (ARC). Please read the complete job ad and prepare accordingly. Applicants should submit and upload ALL requirements: updated CV AND answers to essay questions (MS Word document or PDF file). Incomplete applications will not be processed further.

    See the Intern Opportunities detail at : See Also :
    • Selection Process
    • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Applicant`s Quick Reference Guide [ PDF: 2,301kb | 4 pages ]
    Contact Us :
    • For internship ARC application-related questions, please email
    • For internship-related queries not found in our FAQs, please email
    Description: [Asia] Asian Development Bank (ADB) Internship Programme 2011
    Rating: 4.5
    Reviewer: Goehbola
    ItemReviewed: [Asia] Asian Development Bank (ADB) Internship Programme 2011